Domain Name registration services in Thailand by True Internet Corporation (TICC)
Web Hosting
Data storage or database services for storing data from websites using high quality servers. Both Windows and Linux servers are available with high-speed data transmission.
Suitable for small and medium size websites, the services include language used on websites and other components, as well as security systems monitored by technicians throughout 24 hours.
Mail Hosting
Mail Domain Hosting or Mailbox Rental Services fulfill customers’ business communication needs by providing them with large mail servers.
Allow users to create, delete or modify mail accounts, and allocate e-mail space in order to manage the organizations conveniently.
Mail Cleaner
Email Filtering and Scanning Services ensure that the server is clean and clear from harmful viruses.
Once detected, the system then eliminates them before sending the mails to the user's mail server. Our Mail Cleaner usually makes an update on a daily basis to ensure the utmost protection.
Mail Relay
Email Filtering and Scanning Services ensure that the server is clean and clear from harmful viruses.
Once detected, the system then eliminates them before sending the mails to the user's mail server. Our Mail Cleaner usually makes an update on a daily basis to ensure the utmost protection.
Mail Backup
In case of blackout or that network or mail server is down, customers’ mail server will not be able to receive incoming emails. The mail backup system service will automatically switch to mail backup to receive all incoming emails.
No investment on the installation of Mail backup system by other service provider.
Integrated website and email service
Reduce communication with multiple partners
Suitable for an organization hosting internal mail server.
Reduce the risk of cyber attacks.
Mail backup service to prevent from missing important emails.
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