A comprehensive HR management platform for becoming HR 4.0 which corresponds with corporate transformation in the Digital Era. With advanced AI technology, HR management can cover every aspect of working life from recruiting to retirement or resignation. It also provides a different experience by gathering all the needs of employees regarding HR issues in one application. While this solution supports working from anywhere; convenient, fast and flexible, the data is secured in world-class standards of storage and security systems. A team of experts is standby to consult, design and customize HR solutions to suit the needs of each organization.
• Comprehensive human resource management including the process of recruiting, management and payroll system
• Compatible with both iOS and Android applications for login and out of employees
• Supporting leave management and approval settings by a chain of command
• Self-learning and measurement system to enhance employee potential
• Employee and organization KPI measurement systems can be differently set up in each organization.
• Analytics dashboard reporting is supported.
• Janie - Chatbot is a 24-hour HR system for supervising and advising.
Psytech is an online assessment tool measuring important psychological aspects of talents that are critical to performance such as personality type, values & drivers, emotional intelligence, work style, career themes etc. The test can be utilized along employee experience journey, for instance, BU transformation, recruitment and selection, talent management, learning and development etc.
Strengths of Psytech Assessment
People development is crucial in this disruptive times that all employees are required to upskill, reskill, and be lifelong learners to perform in changing circumstances.
Not only digital skills that are defined as future skills for digital transformation, but soft skills, such as communication, collaboration, storytelling, leadership, coaching, critical thinking, design thinking, etc. are also required to strengthen both digital and hard skills, making employees maximize their human potentials.
The programs designed based on business context